45 results for

"Willmar Schwabe"

Willmar Schwabe Dizester Digestive Tonic Sugar Free (100ml)

Willmar Schwabe Dizester Digestive Tonic Sugar Free (100ml)

Weight 232 (gms) Dimensions 5 (cm) x 5 (cm) x 13 (cm) Willmar Schwabe India Dizester A highly effective formulation to regularise digestion and makes your digestive system healthy. Dizester Herbal is a sugar free herbal syrup, hence can be used by people suffering from Diabetes. It gives everlasting and quick relief in, Acidity, Flatulence, Nausea, Vomiting, Acid reflux. Key Benefits: Foeniculum Vulgare is widely used as a carminative, digestive, lactogogue and in treating respiratory and gastrointestinal disorders Mentha Piperita is indicated in treating flatulent colic, deranged digestion, infantile colic, bilious colic with the accumulation of gas Nux Moschata is useful in flatulent dyspepsia, nervous irritation of the intestinal tract, diarrhoea and loss of appetite Zingiber Officinalis is indicated in reducing the heaviness of the abdomen and the pain in the stomach area due to gastritis or gastric ulcer Asafoetida helps in treating the flatulence and spasmodic contraction of stomach and oesophagus with reverse peristalsis and obstinate constipation Carum carvi is antispasmodic and carminative thus soothes digestive tract acting directly on intestinal muscles and improves the appetite Terminalia Arjuna covers loss of appetite, nausea, constipation, bitter taste in the mouth Direction For Use: Take 1-2 teaspoon 2-3 times daily, 1/2 teaspoon every 1-3 hours during acute indigestion Children should be given half of the adult dose




1057.55 1226.89
Willmar Schwabe India Sarracenia Purpurea 1M (1000 CH) (30ml) For Itching, erupt

Willmar Schwabe India Sarracenia Purpurea 1M (1000 CH) (30ml) For Itching, erupt

Sarracenia Purpurea(Dilution) Tincture made from the frsh plant and the root. Common Name: Pitcher-plant Causes & Symptoms for Sarracenia Purpurea The red spotted appearance on skin leading to indication of this remedy. Swollen face and eyes with soreness is relieved with Sarracenia Purpurea. Hungry even after a meal is an indication for Sarracenia Purpurea. Open air causes chilliness, hands and feet cold, causes head to be hot and sore, and feel full. Milky white discharge in females, with weakness. Sensation of fatigue on bones of leg. Mind and Head Anxious about everything, with depression of spirits. Difficult to concentrate, forgetful, dullness, hearing difficulty. Light feeling felt in the head is an indication for this remedy. Pruritis, and eruptions on the scalp is relieved with Sarracenia Purpurea. Eyes, ear, nose Penetrating pains felt in the eyes, with soreness is an indication for Sarracenia Purpurea. Intense pain in the ear, with sticking sensation. Swelling of the nose, with bloody discharges. Swelling of the parotid glands is relieved with this remedy. Mouth and Throat Miliary eruptions on the face.Neuralgic pains from temple to the jaws is an indication for Sarracenia Purpurea. Dryness of the throat, not better by tea. Stomach and abdomen Hungry all the time even after eating, with bloating sensation and desire to vomit. Pains in the bowel with constipation. Burning pains with palpitations. Stool and Anus Swelling of the anus, with hard stools followed by loose motions. Colicky pains while passing stool. Female complaints Miliary eruption on the vulva region, with bleeding at the other times of periods. Uterus swollen with the cysts is an indication for this remedy; Sarracenia Purpurea. Neck and Back Pain in cervical and lumbar vertebrae. Pain and soreness in sacrum is relieved with Sarracenia Purpurea Extremities Bruised feeling from shoulders to hands. Strange lameness in femur. Bruised and luxated feeling in joints is relieved after the intake of Sarracenia Purpurea. Skin Eruption out, pustule,on forehead and hands papular eruptions, changing to vesicular. For complaints of itching, psoraisis, Sarracenia Purpurea gives good results. Generalities Symptoms generally better in fresh air, and better out of bed. Side effects of Sarracenia Purpurea There are no such side effects. But every medicine should be taken following the rules as given. It is safe to take the medicine even if you are on other mode of medication like allopathy medicines, ayurvedic etc. Homeopathic medicines never interfere with the action of other medicines. Dosage and rules while taking Sarracenia Purpurea Take 5 drops in half cup of water three times a day. You can also medicate the globules and take 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician. We recommend you to take under physicians guidance.




972.87 1141.37
Willmar Schwabe Passiflora Incarnata 1X (Q) (30ml)

Willmar Schwabe Passiflora Incarnata 1X (Q) (30ml)

Properties Potency 1X (Q) Weight 75 (gms) Dimensions 3 (cm) x 3 (cm) x 9.4 (cm) Willmar Schwabe Passiflora Incarnata(Mother Tincture) The homeopathy remedy prepared from the whole passion flower plant, freshly obtained or dried out leaves, has been used for the preparation of tincture. Other Name: Passion flower, Wild apricot Causes & Symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Passiflora Incarnata(Mother Tincture) Violent headache with heaviness of eyes is reduced with help of Passiflora.- Passiflora is indicated in patients who lose weight after mental troubles, anxiety and too much of worrying, react violently, aggressively to any situation at any point of time. It is useful in complaints that take a toll, when majorly affecting the health at night time. It includes complaints of cough, sore throat, breathing difficulties that are worsened during night time. Mind: Excess worry that cause physchiatric troubles, hallucination is relieved with help of passiflora. Mind related complaints that worsen after noise, and improves in peaceful environment. Mouth: Lock Jaw, where contraction of the jaw muscles making it difficult to open the mouth. Skin: Topical application for skin complaints, piles, burns and swelling, locally massaged into skin. Pain in the coccyx region Stomach: It is useful in complaints of flatulence and diarhhoea, indigestion, sour eructation. Sleep: Passiflora is well indicated in complaints of sleeplessness. It helps to control the sleep patterns mainly in people who have difficulty in getting sound sleep and who wake up easily from the bed, startled during sleep. Generalities: Passiflora is useful to fight stress and strain that leads to healthy activity of brain. Common fatigue and heaviness all over the body leading to laziness.




1015.21 1184.55
Willmar Schwabe Swertia Chirata 1X (Q) (30ml)

Willmar Schwabe Swertia Chirata 1X (Q) (30ml)

Properties Potency 1X (Q) Weight 75 (gms) Dimensions 3 (cm) x 3 (cm) x 9.4 (cm) A remedy in both acute and chronic malarial fevers. It is useful in recovering the weakness and prostration that occur after the illness. Used as an antihelmintic, hypoglycemic and antipyretic properties. Chirata helps to eliminate parasites like helminthes, roundworms, tapeworms and flukes from the body It helps to maintain the blood sugar levels by lowering the raised values. Swertia helps with heavy monthly periods, internal bleeding, and nose bleeds. Stomach and abdomen It is useful in liver complaints, loss of appetite, bloating anf fullness in the stomach. It helps to speed up the digestion process. Chirata helps in the regeneration of new liver cells. Stool and Anus In complaints of constipation, it gives good results. In complaints of bleeding piles, Chirata gives good results. Extremities Chirata helps to relieve the inflammation, swelling of the joints. Joint disease, swelling, pain, and redness is relieved with Swertia Chirata. Skin Chirata helps clear the skin, for wound cleansing and healing. Skin conditions such as rashes, inflammation, itching, burning sensation and redness. Generalities It lowers down the raised body temperature. Chirata helps in complaints of anemia, lowered Hemoglobin. Side effects of Swertia Chirata There are no such side effects. But every medicine should be taken following the rules as given. It is safe to take the medicine even if you are on other mode of medication like allopathy medicines, ayurvedic etc. Homeopathic medicines never interfere with the action of other medicines.




1015.21 1184.55
Willmar Schwabe Avena Sativa 1X (Q) (30ml)

Willmar Schwabe Avena Sativa 1X (Q) (30ml)

Properties Potency 1X (Q) Weight 75 (gms) Dimensions 3 (cm) x 3 (cm) x 9.4 (cm) About Schwabe Avena Sativa (Mother tincture) Common Name: Common Oat Avena Sativa is the scientific name for common oat; herb with nutrients, vitamins and minerals. It is one of the best remedy after attack of chronic diseases leaving the patient weak, an Energy Booster in Stress conditions. It is used when body requires extra carbohydrates and the subsequent boost in energy. It is a nerve Restorative, Energy tonic. Causes & Symptoms for Schwabe Avena sativa (Mother tincture) After chronic Diseases medication leading to loss of energy. Lack of strength and Weakness. Loss of sexual desire. Hormonal Imbalance. Action of Schwabe Avena Sativa (Mother tincture) Mind: It has a good action on the mind; where it relaxes the mind, helps to calm nervous system, reduce the irritability, anxiety. Improves concentration, relieves confusion state. Head: Helps in Headache with tremors, nervous exhaustion, Headache in females during menses. Stomach: Improves appetite after exhausting diseases. Heart: Helps to lower the cholesterol levels, reduces palpitations. Skin: Reduces itching, eczema conditions with redness. Male: Helps to improve sexual desire, Increases blood flow and reduces the problem o premature ejaculation and erection. Female: Helps to reduce the pains during menses, improves the overall health, helps to improve the sexual desire. Extremities(Hands and legs): Improves the strength of bones and relieves the Joint complaints, Reduces the Numbness and pains in joints. Sleep: Helps to reduce the sleeplessness problem. General: Helps to Improve the nerve power, Immunity and Restores health




1006.74 1176.09
Willmar Schwabe Berberis vulgaris 1X (Q) (30ml)

Willmar Schwabe Berberis vulgaris 1X (Q) (30ml)

Properties Potency 1X (Q) Weight 75 (gms) Dimensions 3 (cm) x 3 (cm) x 9.4 (cm) About Willmar Schwabe Berberis Vulgaris(Mother tincture) Common Name: Barberry Causes & Symptoms for (Barberry) Berberis Vulgaris (Mother tincture) Berberis Vulgaris is useful in complaints of Kidney and liver troubles, spleen affections and pains. Berberis helps to reduce both constipation and diarrhoea, and a number of symptoms about the anus. A leading remedy in Lumbago that helps to reduce the pain that extends from the back, round the body and down towards the leg. Numbness, radiating pains and lancinating pains in the kidney area, back and even in extremities. Mind: People with anxiety, takes fright easily, and no desire to talk to anyone Confused and unable to list things, cannot do the tasks easily, slow in working pace. Head: Fullness and heaviness in the head, with shooting pains that are aggravated by motion. Sensation of increased size of head, as if head is swollen, with tensive pains in forehead and temples. Face and mouth: Paleness and Dryness of face, with shooting pains on the cheek bones. Sunken eyes, dark circles around the eyes, stitching pains Mouth: Thirst and dryness of mouth with excessive appetite. Whitish vesicles at the end of tongue, ulcers on the gums with bleeding. Eyes, Ears and Nose: Eyes: Shooting pains in the eyes with dryness and itching. Heaviness in the eyelids aggaravated after moving the eye balls, after exposure to sun light. Sensation of pressure in the eyes,redness of conjunctiva aggravated after reading and working under less light. Ears: Burning, Itching and dryness with shooting pains in the interior of the ear. Enlarged gland behind the ear with small pustules on the exterior of the ear. Nose: Dryness of the nostril with severe itching, pain in the nostrils. Stomach and Abdomen: Stomach: Nausea with desire to vomit, with burning and shooting pains in the stomach that extend upwards to the throat. Bilious complaints with risings. Nausea before breakfast and vomiting before dinner. Abdomen: Acute shooting pains in the abdominal area, pain in the inguinal region, with sensation of tension, pressure and pain in the groin area. Varicose veins in groin area. Pains in the hepatic region which are aggravated after pressure. Swelling of liver with pressure in the region and pain in abdomen, when walking and standing that extends down to the testes, thighs and loins. Urinary Organs: Burning pains in the urethra, while urinating with aching pains in bladder. Stitching type of pains in urethra which extend down to thighs, loins is relieved with the help of Berberis Vulgaris. Pulsative pains in the region of kidneys, violent pains that extend to the bladder. Frequent urination with burning sensation if the urine is not passed. Pain in the back Extremities (Upper Limbs and Lower Limbs) Sensation of cold on thighs, heels, and stitiching pains between the fingers. Pains in the balls of feet which are aggravated after walking, lameness of legs after walking. Soreness and sprained feeling in limbs can be reduced with the help of Berberis Vulgaris.




1015.21 1184.55
Willmar Schwabe Crataegus oxyacantha 1X (Q) (30ml)

Willmar Schwabe Crataegus oxyacantha 1X (Q) (30ml)

Weight 75 (gms) Dimensions 3 (cm) x 3 (cm) x 9.4 (cm) Willmar Schwabe Crataegus Oxyacantha 1x (Mother tincture) The tincture is basically made from the fresh berries, it is believed to be the King of heart tonics. Common Name: Hawthorn Causes & Symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Crataegus Oxyacantha 1x (Mother tincture) Crataegus is useful in lowering the lipid formation helping to relieve the complaints of high blood cholesterol levels. It is used in complaints of Blood pressure, where it helps to lower down the raised pressure. Crataegus is used for restoring the heart functions. It is also useful in gastric complaints accompanied with heart symptoms. Mind: Complaints of heart that arise from grief, sorrow are well treated with this remedy. It is suited to people who are always hurried and worried associated with mental dullness, irritation of the yes, conjunctiva and discharges from the nose. Headache followed by calmness is seen in Crataegus. Stomach: Crataegus is useful in complaints of nausea and indigestion associated with heart complaints. Respiratory system: Difficulty in breathing, Dry cough, irregular breathing is relieved with help of Respiratory system. Heart: Crataegus is useful in complaints of Valves, mitral regurgitation, irregular pulse. Heart complaints that arise due to excess alcohol, over exertion is treated well with this remedy. Generalities: Irregular pulse and cold extremities is reduced with help of Crataegus. The medicine is valuable in the complaints of chest pain, pain under left clavicle and left scapula, associated with weakness, sleeplessness. Crataegus is useful in complaints of skin eruptions and profuse skin perspiration. Complaints are worse in warm room




1015.21 1184.55
Willmar Schwabe Gelsemium Sempervirens Q (30ml) For Neuralgia, General Wellness

Willmar Schwabe Gelsemium Sempervirens Q (30ml) For Neuralgia, General Wellness

Willmar Schwabe Gelsemium Sempervirens(Mother Tincture) The homeopathic preparation is made from the fresh root, Tincture of the bark of the root. Common Name: Yellow jasmine, wild woodbine, Causes & Symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Gelsemium Sempervirens Gelsemium is a remedy for warm climates, symptoms that come gradually. The mind is sluggish, the muscles are sluggish, and the limbs feel so heavy they can hardly be moved. Complaints of Gelsemium often come after too much heat, after a sunstroke or too much sun, at the change of seasons when the weather changes to warm after the cold of winter. Bruised pains in muscles anywhere but typically in the back, head, or eyes are relieved with gelsemium. It has an affinity for the mucous surfaces, giving rise to catarrhal inflammations. The muscles are relaxed, and inability to work, in coordination of muscles. Gelsemium has congestion of organs, but it has also high grade inflammation, great heaviness of the limbs. Better From stimulants is a very general characteristic of Gelsemium. Mind and Head Anticipatory anxiety, irritable, sensitive and fear, with diarrhea in anticipation of an important event like an exam or an interview indicates Gelsemium. Don't want food, don't want drink, no desire to talk, sluggishness in thought and in emotion. Vertigo accompanies many complaints, Headache with stiff neck, worse morning, better urinating. Gelsemium is beneficial in Neuralgic headache, Dull, stupefying pain ascending from nape into forehead, accompanied by dizziness, blurred vision and heavy eyelids worse from smoking. Eyes, ear, nose Blurred vision, Dizziness and dim vision, Drooping of the eyelids, they are heavy, can hardly open them or keep them open indicate gelsemium. Catarrhal deafness, with pain from throat into middle ear and ear pain due to cold. Sensation of fullness, sneezing with fluent coryza, profuse watery discharge excoriating the nostrils marks for Gelsemium Mouth and Throat Heat of the face with fullness in head and cold feet. Lips dry, coated with dark mucus and thick coating of the tongue indicates gelsemium. Dryness of throat with hoarseness, swallowing causes shooting into the ear. Burning in the mouth extending to throat and stomach is relieved with Gelsemium. Stomach and Abdomen Sour eructations with Sensation of emptiness in the stomach. Burning in the stomach extending to the mouth is relieved with Gelsemium. Sensation of soreness in abdominal walls. Rumbling in abdomen with discharge of wind above and below. Burning pains moving around in intestines. Colicky pains below navel extending to testes, better expelling flatus. Stool and Anus The soft stool is passed with difficulty as if the sphincter ani resisted the passage by contraction with Frequent discharge of flatus. Urging to from exciting news, emotions indicates action of gelsemium. Feeling as if more remained behind after stool and after urinating is resolved with gelsemium. Urinary complaints Irritable neck of bladder with Frequent micturition that relieves the headache. Incontinence in children with pain in the bladder. Female complaints Feeling of fullness and heaviness in uterine region, cramp-like pains during menses, sharp pains moving from uterus to back and hips. After menses, pains in back of head and spine that run upwards indicate Gelsemium. Severe, labor like pains in uterine region, which extend to back and hips, alternating with heavy headache. Inefficient labor-pains or none at all Gelsemium gives good results. Back and Extremities Pains in the neck, Congestion of spine, prostration, muscles feel bruised with sensation of constriction is relieved with Gelsemium. Dull aching in lumber and sacral regions, with difficulty in walk. Trembling in all the limbs; cramps in forearm on attempting to write. Coldness of the wrists and hands. Deep-seated muscular pains in legs better by motion, Paroxysmal shooting pains. Obstinate Sciatica with burning pains worse at rest and particularly when beginning to walk, worse at night, compelling her to lie awake with pain in sole of foot when walking is resolved with Gelsemium. Generalities Alcoholic stimulants relieve all complaints where Gelsemium is useful. It is useful for the heaviness of the whole body the eyelids, the arms, and the legs feels like it is weighted down with lead. Lifting arms causes trembling of hands. Heat of sun or summer worse, hot applications better pain back of head. Extreme and alarming difficulty of breathing, extreme restlessness from threatened suffocation. Side effects of Willmar Schwabe Gelsemium Sempervirens There are no such side effects. But every medicine should be taken following the rules as given. It is safe to take the medicine even if you are on other mode of medication like allopathy medicines, ayurvedic etc.




1099.88 1269.23
Willmar Schwabe India Crataegus oxyacantha Q (30ml) Helps Tone

Willmar Schwabe India Crataegus oxyacantha Q (30ml) Helps Tone

Willmar Schwabe Crataegus Oxyacantha 1x (Mother tincture) The tincture is basically made from the fresh berries, it is believed to be the King of heart tonics. Common Name: Hawthorn Causes & Symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Crataegus Oxyacantha 1x (Mother tincture) Crataegus is useful in lowering the lipid formation helping to relieve the complaints of high blood cholesterol levels. It is used in complaints of Blood pressure, where it helps to lower down the raised pressure. Crataegus is used for restoring the heart functions. It is also useful in gastric complaints accompanied with heart symptoms. Mind: Complaints of heart that arise from grief, sorrow are well treated with this remedy. It is suited to people who are always hurried and worried associated with mental dullness, irritation of the yes, conjunctiva and discharges from the nose. Headache followed by calmness is seen in Crataegus. Stomach: Crataegus is useful in complaints of nausea and indigestion associated with heart complaints. Respiratory system: Difficulty in breathing, Dry cough, irregular breathing is relieved with help of Respiratory system. Heart: Crataegus is useful in complaints of Valves, mitral regurgitation, irregular pulse. Heart complaints that arise due to excess alcohol, over exertion is treated well with this remedy. Generalities: Irregular pulse and cold extremities is reduced with help of Crataegus. The medicine is valuable in the complaints of chest pain, pain under left clavicle and left scapula, associated with weakness, sleeplessness. Crataegus is useful in complaints of skin eruptions and profuse skin perspiration. Complaints are worse in warm room Side effects of Willmar Schwabe Crataegus Oxyacantha 1x (Mother tincture) There are no such side effects. But every medicine should be taken following the rules as given. Dosage and Rules while taking Willmar Schwabe Crataegus Oxyacantha 1x (Mother tincture) Take 10 drops in half cup of water three times a day. We recommend you to take under physicians guidance.




1015.21 1184.55
Willmar Schwabe Solanum Nigrum 1X (Q) (30ml) For High body temperature, Headache

Willmar Schwabe Solanum Nigrum 1X (Q) (30ml) For High body temperature, Headache

Solanum Nigrum (Mother Tincture) Common Name: Black Nightshade Causes & Symptoms for Solanum Nigrum Solanum Nigrum helps in furious delirium and nightmares. There is terrible headache and complete cessation of mental faculties with night terrors and is relieved by it. It is useful for congestive type of headache. Solanum Nigrum also helps in stiffness of whole body. There is restlessness and formication with contraction of extremities. Mind Delirium: with stammering speech, efforts to get out of bed, with piercing cries and convulsions. Complete cessation of mental faculties. Head Solanum Nigrum helps in complaint of Vertigo: on rising and moving about, with dizziness before eyes, with nausea and colic, on stooping, on rising in morning, better in open air. Solanum Nigrum is useful in Headache: dull, heavy throbbing, followed by dilatation of pupils. Headache worse in close room. It relieves Severe pain through temples as if head would split. Eruption on forehead of small red pimples, sore to touch and very hard, when one went another came indicate Solanum Nigrum. Scalp sore on moving hand through hair. Scalp sore as if hair had been severely pulled. Eyes Eyes: red, full and tense, dull and heavy, burning, very sensitive to light, sensation as if sand in them. Solanum Nigrum relieves Pain: over left eye, severe in supraorbital region on waking in morning, worse motion and stooping, heavy, bruised sensation. Throat Throat sore as if burnt. It relieves raw sensation in throat, painful on swallowing, solids or liquids. Tickling in throat causing cough. Stomach Solanum Nigrum is indicated in Nausea and efforts to vomit, followed by profuse vomiting, at first of mucus, afterwards of bluish or greyish-black fluid. Vomit: ingesta, blackish-green liquid, thick. There is Severe pain in region of stomach, extending into heart region and left shoulder (5 PM). Solanum Nigrum relieves Cramps, cutting, burning in pit of stomach. Abdomen Solanum Nigrum relieves Violent cutting in umbilical region. Abdomen excessively distended and tense. It helps in complaint of Colic, and ineffectual urging. Stool and Anus Solanum Nigrum relieves Tenesmus in anus. Stools: natural but more frequent, semi-fluid, yellow, watery. Stools followed by burning pain in stomach, extending up, with nausea. It is useful in Constipation, small, dry, hard stools. Respiratory Organs Respiration: rapid, difficult, quick but easy, stertorous. Neck and Back Neck sore, stiff, as if bruised, worse moving head. It relieves Severe pains in muscles of neck. It is also useful in Great pains in back of neck and shoulders, and in lower limbs. Pains in back of neck and between shoulders. It is used in Bruised feeling in back and limbs. Limbs Restlessness in limbs, Wandering pains, first in shoulders, then down arm, then in lower limbs is relieved by Solanum Nigrum. It is useful in Severe pains in all the limbs, Painful drawing in arms and feet. Skin Solanum Nigrum is used in Red blotches like scarlatina, irregularly dispersed over whole surface. It is useful in Great swelling and intolerable itching of face, eyelids, lips, hands, and feet. Solanum Nigrum is useful for Vesicles on back of hands, sloughing on fingers, blisters discharge acrid fluid over arms. Swelling of feet, arms, abdomen, scrotum, and penis can be checked by it.




1015.21 1184.55
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