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Aptizooom Syrup Improves appetite Improves digestion & assimilation of food Ensures overall growth and development Helps eradicate worms Slow growth in children due to poor appetite APTIZOOOM is a natural appetite stimulant for children. It safely promotes a healthy appetite and improves functions of the digestive system, without harmful side-effects. APTIZOOOM syrup is a blend of appetizers and digestives. APTIZOOOM stimulates secretion of digestive enzymes. APTIZOOOM supports digestion and allows your body to absorb and utilize nutrients for overall health. APTIZOOOM is non-addictive, chemical-free and without the risk of harmful side effects. Dosage: children (below 10yrs) 1 teaspoonful, 2 to 3 times a day, adult 3 teaspoonful 2 times a day DOS: Eat small, frequent meals Choose your favourite foods to boost your interest in eating Choose healthy snacks Use herbs and spices in cooking to make food tasty and improve digestion Do regular exercise DON’TS: Avoid irregular food habits Avoid medications that irritate the stomach lining Important ingredients Action Bhringaraj Stimulates liver to secrete more bile Shunthi, Gajapippali, Ajmoda Stimulate secretion of pancreatic and gastric enzymes Vidanga, Pippali mool Eradicate parasitic worms Shatavari Immunoadjuvant and nutritive