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Maize, commonly known as corn, is a versatile and essential cereal grain with a variety of nutritional benefits and applications in food security and industrial sectors. As a staple food, maize accounts for a significant portion of the diet globally, providing approximately 70% carbohydrates, 10% protein, and ample dietary fiber that contribute to heart health and improved digestion. Its essential nutrients, including vitamins B and C, antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin, not only promote eye health but also support a robust immune system. Maize is cultivated in multiple forms such as corn flour, oil, syrup, and is differentiated into various types such as sweet corn for consumption, dent corn primarily for animal feed, flint corn for decorative purposes, popcorn, and flour corn grounded into flour. With high energy yield due to its unique C4 photosynthetic pathway, maize is capable of growing in diverse climates, making it a critical component for food security and a variety of industrial applications. Its historical importance is emphasized as it was domesticated around 10,000 years ago in Mexico and remains integral to many indigenous agricultural systems, particularly in crop rotation systems like the
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